Blanca Gil Rosell, PhD student in Mathematics at Aarhus University
Blanca Gil Rosell, PhD student in Mathematics at Aarhus University, Master’s in Mathematics from Aarhus University, Bachelor’s in Mathematics from University of Barcelona, Spain.
The area of research for my PhD is analytic number theory, which, broadly speaking, focuses on prime numbers and their distribution. Prime numbers (those numbers that can only be divided by 1 and themselves, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, etc.) play a very important role in our lives, even though most people are not aware of it. For instance, prime numbers are crucial in encryption systems, so every time someone makes a purchase with a credit card, large prime numbers are involved to ensure the transaction is secure. Nevertheless, many aspects of prime numbers remain unknown, and through my PhD, I hope to contribute to their understanding.
In my free time, when I’m not thinking about mathematics, I enjoy running, swimming, reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
-Blanca har plads til at være mentor for 3 elever
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