Elisabeth Sommer James, PhD student in Statistical Methods for Population Genetics
Elisabeth Sommer James – PhD student in Statistical Methods for Population Genetics at Aarhus University. Integrated Masters in Mathematics from University of York, UK.
My research focuses on how we can use mathematics and statistics to describe the natural world, especially looking at genes and what they can tell us about why we get some illnesses or the past of a species. As a PhD student I also get to be a teaching assistant which I really enjoy.
Mathematics can be beautiful and abstract, and I love that, but my favourite part of learning mathematics is building a toolkit of techniques to approach tricky problems in my research. The application to different and interesting biological problems is what motivates me most. Mathematics is super versatile and can be applied in so many ways, which I find really exciting – there are so many cool opportunities to be discovered!
Outside of research I like to spend my time hiking, painting, cooking and spending time with friends.
-Elisabeth har plads til at være mentor for 3 elever
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