Vores rollemodeller er et helt centralt element i måden at tænke forandring på. De stiller deres viden og engagement til rådighed og medvirker både i udviklingen og afholdelsen af vores gratis camps samt i debatter, podcasts og netværksaktiviteter.
Vores rollemodeller baner vejen for flere piger i STEM. Det kan de, fordi de selv har gået vejen. De har selv siddet som den eneste pige i klassen og oplevet STEM som en verden, man som kvinde befinder sig i på trods. Og dét agter de, ligesom os, at lave om på.
Hvis du også har lyst til at give tilbage til næste generation og vise, at der er super spændende muligheder ved at vælge uddannelse og job indenfor videnskab, teknologi, ingeniør faget og matematik og det er mega kreativt, så send en mail til [email protected]. Vi er båret af frivillighed, så vi vil forvente, at du engagerer dig: det kan være på camps, hvor vi laver et program sammen omkring dit speciale, det kan også være at engagere dig i vores netværk for at styrke dette, eller måske du kan åbne nogle døre til virksomheder, fonde mv. Det koster 200 kr om året at være medlem.
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Frederikke Dahl
Engineer - Founder hos MEWALII
“I want to encourage girls to be their true self and not be afraid to stand out of the crowd, especially within STEM and entrepreneurship where I've got my experience. Girls should feel empowered to chase their dreams, no matter the dream. This is the change high5girls pledged to and that is the future.”

Inese Podgaiska
Secretary General at Association of Nordic Engineers
“Being a role model for me is also to return the favour. I wish to inspire young women to believe in their skills and to overcome their fears. It is a great co-creation process, where uplifting happens for both sides, and the feeling of togetherness unblocks the limitations our minds create.”

Ribka Balakrishnan
Mechanical Design Engineer at WS Audiology
“I want to empower these girls to have an unmatched level of confidence. I want them to know that their thoughts and opinions matter, and to use their voices—loudly. I want them to learn to take up space in the world early, so that they will grow into the most fascinating women imaginable, who lead the way for the next generation of girls to do the same.”

Maria Dahl
Product Developer at Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S
“Den globale udfordring vi står i nu, kræver at flere bliver med i udviklingen af bæredygtige løsninger. Diversitet giver bedre samarbejder og løsninger, og derfor håber jeg at flere kvinder får øjnene op for STEM-fagene, så vi sammen kan bidrage til nye løsninger for en mere bæredygtig fremtid.”

Gabriella Angela Morote Kierulff
Student DTU - App developer
“STEM is a path to make a difference for people and change our world. I did not know the importance of STEM when I had to choose my undergrade; therefore, I want to be a rolemodel for girls, and inspire them to choose a similar path, in order to create a future build on diversity.”

Sidsel Dahl
Consultant at Videnscenter for Automation og Robotteknologi
“I always start with WHY - and I believe girls should be encouraged and learn to ask why especially within the STEM community. I believe in the strength of diversity and that we need the future generation of product designers and engineers to think differently together - that’s why I am with High5Girls.”

Nanna Hauberg Møller
Signal Processing Specialist at WSAudiology
” STEM disciplines often involve solving technical problems and creating solutions to a diverse audience. For me, a diverse audience requires a diverse perspective to achieve the best solution. I see a bright future if these talented girls choose a career in STEM, and I feel privileged to support High5Girl’s mission to inspire them to make this choice.”

Sara Leander-Pehrson
CEO at Prezentor
“We need to show girls at a very young age that technology and business is fun, and that it's not as complex as they might think to go from idea to business. We need to show them that it's possible to receive funding and try your wings, and if you don’t succeed the first time you can always try again. With High5Girls I wish to be the rolemodel that I many times felt was missing when growing up. Be the change that you want to see in society, so that future generations won’t know that there’s any other way.”

Ristil Skovgaard
MSc in materials and manufacturing engineering
``Børn og unge skal ikke begrænses af stereotype uddannelsesfordomme - muligheden for at være nysgerrig og forfølge interesser er en del af lighed. Det er svært at vælge hvilken retning man skal gå i, men når man kan spejle sig i andre eller kan prøve kræfter med (i mit vedkomne) mekanik så kan man få modet til at vælge udenfor normen``

Irene Pedrazuela
Graduate Engineer | Power System Integration at Vestas
“I have always thought that I studied engineering without really knowing what I was getting into. I just knew that something that allowed me to mix math and physics would be the perfect decision. However engineering is such a broad area that it would have been very nice to have someone give me more insights about all the possibilities. I feel that being a role model in High5Girls is the perfect place to fill in that gap for the new upcoming generations throughout my experiences.”

Christina Keller
Founder and CEO of Turns UX. Human Factors Engineer
“Diversity of all forms, gender, ethical, educational and life knowledge is what brings the products of tomorrow to new horizons. To ensure the best products, design and development teams must look at the possibilities and obstacles from every perspective, and when half of the population believes that they can't contribute to the conversation and development of new products, it becomes `true` since the decision makers can't understand their perspective.”

Christiane Hanke
Sustainable Energy Msc Student at DTU / Project evaluator and Entrepreneur
“As a young female professional entering the STEM field I know how hard it is to fight stereotypes, specially coming from a Latin-American country. I want to empower and encourage girls to speak up and bring different perspectives to the field.”

Anna Krzyzanowska
Electrical Engineer Nanotechnology Specialist
“Women bring a fresh look at new technologies. Women, through a lot of empathy, are able to objectively assess the problem. Girls in technology bring an innovative approach because they have emotional intelligence. Young girls should know that working in technology is something that is motivating. Maria Skladowska Curie was also rejected from the university. If she hadn't been stubborn in pursuing her goals, she would never have been awarded the Nobel Prize.”

Anne Katrine Windfeld
Senior Director, Head of Software Development, GRUNDFOS
“I entered the engineering world without thinking about diversity. Maybe a bit naïve, but to me it is important to follow your heart, no matter what others may think. On a daily basis I see the value of diversity. I often ask other types of questions than my colleagues and see things from a different perspective. That brings value and shows the importance of diversity.”

Nermeen Ghoniem
Global Engineer at Jabra
”Doing STEM degrees doesn't have to mean a life of laboratories, sitting alone at a computer or endless math equations. It is much more than that. With a career in STEM, you help build a better tomorrow, whether it’s global warming, medicine, or education. And, with half the population being female, we deserve the female perspective.”

Mariana Villar
System and Application Engineer at Sectra
“The talent that women can bring into STEM can be the key to grow sustainably and face current global challenges. That is how we all win by breaking the stigma on STEM careers, and why it is so important to empower young girls by example. We need to show girls that STEM careers can be as technical or as sensitive as they want them to be, that they can be combined with other interests and that the opportunities of growth are endless.”

Itzel Balderas
Renewable energy Student, DTU
“When I was a child, it was difficult for me to find inspiration to study engineering. In the classes, all the famous scientists were men, and I wondered if I would be able to do it as I had no one around me in this field. Having a role model allows us to help others find that inspiration, by identifying with girls and women who like the same field as you, that inspiration grows and helps us to achieve our dreams.”

Ditte Højland
Strategi og partnerskaber, Textile Change
“Som barn var jeg altid ”den kreative pige” der var god til at tegne. I mange år troede jeg, at jeg at tilvalget af en kreativ uddannelse, betød fravalg af en STEM uddannelse. Da jeg indså at dette ikke var tilfældet, og at kreativitet er en af de vigtigste redskaber i udviklingen af ny teknologi, åbnede det mine øjne for et væld af muligheder, jeg ellers havde været blind for.”

Asar AH Jaradat
Nuclear physics at CERN
“High5Girls does such an important role for women in STEM; growing up, I couldn’t find many that looked like me doing what I wanted to do, which often made me think harder. High5Girls provides young girls that opportunity to realise they can if they wanted to!”

Mette Lykke
CEO at Too Good To Go, Entrepreneur
“Diversitet er lig med dynamik. Og dynamik er altafgørende i alle typer virksomheder - ikke mindst inden for teknologien, der har været domineret af den mandlige tilgang til bl.a. udvikling og projektledelse. Mænd og kvinder tænker og agerer forskelligt, og vi har brug for begge tilgange for at skabe den rette kombination af drive og balance. Mange piger aner ikke, hvor vanvittigt fede og sjove jobs, de kan lande med STEM i rygsækken. Og hvor eftertragtede, de ville være. Det skal de vide.”

Diana Trifon
Lead Robotics Engineer presso QuadSAT
“The reason why I would like to be part of High5Girls Is because I would like to help and support women in tech, the way I Wish I could have been helped and supported in my Early career. Women in tech have, in my opinion, the advantage of unique skills sets, but also disadvantages. I would like to help with that gap.”

Helena Hauter
Autonomous Systems Student @DTU
“As part of HIGH5GIRLS, I want to show that STEM is something for everyone. So it's up to us to be part of the diversity we want to see. I hope to inspire other girls to take the step and start their journey into robotics or whatever they are passionate about.”

Mathilde Dhejne Jakobsen
MSc in Chemical Engineering @Aarhus University
“Jeg ønsker at fortælle en anderledes historie, end den stereotype fortælling om en ingeniør. Jeg vil gerne inspirere flere piger, til at vælge STEM området; vores høje emotionelle intelligens er hvad der gør os til fremtidens ledere”

Sabrina Kern
Student MSc Robotics at Aalborg University
“My start in engineering was not easy. I was the only woman in my degree and many people didn't believe I could do it. I would like to be the role model that would have helped me to be more confident and relaxed back then. I want to encourage girls and show them that it's not as hard as expected.”

Auriane Buffet
Senior Technical Sales Engineer
“Being a role model for me is about showing young girls that they can achieve anything they set their mind to. There is so much to discover in STEMs, by sharing our own stories and experiences, I aim to inspire them and encourage them to discover their own path.”

Rayssa Bruzaca de Andrade
Quantum optics physicist. Optical Engineer for quantum technologies at NKT photonics.
“To inspire others to navigate the field in STEM or any other with an open heart while being true and brave to oneself. High5Girls shines a light spot on STEM fields, showing how women are doing amazing and important work in STEM. Let's together be curious and see where this journey will take us.”

Octavia Sirbu
Lead Product Designer at Rotoy ApS
“Representation is so important for young girls. Through my work and High5Girls I hope to empower girls to get out of their comfort zone and cease opportunities in STEM. I believe that women have an unlocked potential in the world of STEM through our unique way of approaching problems and creating more diversity in products and in our culture.”

Paula Riera Turró
Student Assistant at VELUX
“As women we face many barriers to enter and succeed within STEM. Some barriers are obvious, but others are so nuanced that they even look like individual choices. It is not until we start sharing experiences that we realize they are systemic. That is why, I find it so important to discuss and share across generations, with a clear objective of making it easier for the new generations of women in STEM.”

Stella Alamil
Global Leader l Digital Transformation l Author
“I believe in the power of stories and representation. We need to make it more visible what a leader in business and technology mean so we can empower young girls in making choices they would have otherwise not made. More importantly, we need to create structures in our society enabling them to thrive as they choose a path in entrepreneurship and STEM.”

Monika Luniewska Jensen
Senior Business Developer. Co-founder and board member at SHUTE Sensing Solutions.
“I believe that women have enormous potential in STEM area, but also that it has been dimmed until now for several reasons. High5Girls creates a safe environment for young women, where they can make first steps in science and technology fields, learn how to work together and build confidence for showing their skills and continue developing them outside. Female role models are there to support them in their journey. This initiative has been needed for a long time and I am happy that somebody finally made it happen.”

Silvia Leal
Structural Engineer, Ørsted
“Once I heard that ``we're raising girls to be perfect and boys to be brave``. I want to help create a world where girls feel comfortable with taking risks and making mistakes – and still feel loved and supported. We cannot be what we cannot see, therefore we need more girls to join the STEM world. You can count on me to help you succeed on your journey.”

Tonia Sideri
Data Strategist | Head of AI and Analytics CoE @ Novo Nordisk
“We need diversity in tech, including gender one. There is no real reason why more women do not enter STEM fields except from social or cultural stereotypes. The sooner we break these mental barriers the more innovative and capable society we can be.”

Kendra Bannister
Head of Hardware Development. Airtame
“Diversity inspires innovation, helps to identify better ways to solve challenges, results in higher productivity, and combats affinity bias. Lifting women up and providing examples of opportunities and learnings within STEM is so important to make sure we reach our fullest potential and catalyze change.”

Julie Dalsgard
Director hos Lifeline Robotics
“Curiosity and ingenuity are neither defined nor limited by gender. The fields in which these traits are allowed to run free, should not be either. We need to not only blur but to completely wipe out the lines created as a social construct in ancient times. Why? The laws of nature. Nature fights monocultures but rewards diversity, as it promotes growth, resilience and beauty in all living things. And as humans, we are a part of nature - subject to her laws. Therefore, we must promote gender diversity in education - not for our sake as females, but for the sake of everyone and everything.”

Alina Jürgensen
Marine Classification Specialist at MAN Energy Solutions
“When you start following your dreams, there will always be challenges. And I believe that with a STEM education you learn that challenges become opportunities for learning and skills building. You will find joy in problem solving and your confidence will be strengthened. And if you failed, you have learned something valuable and that knowledge can never be taken from you.”

Elisabeth Andreae
Energy Engineer – PhD student in Power-to-X solutions
“To tackle the challenges of tomorrow we need to focus on education for all. The STEM fields provide innovative technological solutions that make modern life easier and more sustainable. To ensure future generation have a healthy environment to live in, we need diverse people with diverse skillsets – we need more women to join the STEM field.”

Claudia Dos Santos
Logistics Supervisor / Field Service Coordinator, KVH Industries Inc.
“There are not enough women in the STEM. We must end stereotypes about gender and intellect superiority. Women are underrepresented and discouraged to pursue a career in the STEM fields. It is unfortunate that we are setting barriers to all the talented women due to stereotypes.”

Laura Petrini
Associate Professor at Aalborg University
“Be passionate and determined in what you like. From a very young age, I have been fascinated about exploring the functions of the human brain. I knew, I wanted to be a “neuroscientist”, and now I have the privilege to work within that area, where I can help people in pain.”

Neha Imtiaz Ullah
BSc. Electrical Engineering Student at the Technical University of Denmark
“I want to be a role-model, because I believe that you cannot be what you cannot see. This is why role-models are extremely important, so young girls have someone to look up to and someone who can further spark their interest for STEM by sharing stories about how exciting STEM can be.” Electrical Engineering Student.”

Sara Lopez Alaguero
CEO & Co-founder Yuman
“At the age of sixteen, my science teacher gave me, what I consider to be quite bad advice: “As a woman, humanities should be the area you choose to specialize in.” Saying that to a teenager, when the opportunities are limitless, could ruin a person’s goals. Fortunately, although I could have gained good transferable skills focusing my studies on social or artistic areas, he inadvertently boosted my ambition, and I decided to pursue my dream of being a woman in tech. I would like to use my experience as an example to encourage young girls to pursue a STEM career to show that women have a place in a male-dominated sector such as robotics.”

Lina Sors Emilsson
Project Leader at Upptech, Uppsala University, Founder Sors Technology and Co-founder Stargrind
“Tech-savvy girls are needed everywhere in the private and public sector for a more sustainable and fair society for us all. Therefore, I am happy to contribute to High5Girls to empower young girls to discover the fun in tech and realise that their unique potentials not only are encouraged but desperately needed to build our future.”

Parizad Shojaee
Process Development at Cook Medical , PhD.
“I cannot agree more with Melinda Gates when she says, “sometimes all that’s needed to lift women up is to stop pulling them down”. Gender distribution is so out of balance in STEM fields and I believe that some unwritten rules and hidden barriers are among the main causes. I think it is essential that we get together to find the root causes of the problems and effectively tackle them.”