Foredrag om piger i STEM med Ulrika Sultan
Ulrika Sultan finishes her PhD April this year and we have invited her to come to Copenhagen and share her research with us. Her research focuses on understanding why girls are losing interest in technology and STEM fields. She is committed to uncovering the root causes behind this decline and exploring how society, education and industry can work together to address this issue.
Ulrika is a former head of a unit of a technology school. With 13 years of teaching experience in science and technology at the University level, she has specialized in technology education, focusing on gender and technology.
Ulrika is a lively, engaged speaker with lots of passion in trying to understand the mystery why girls lose interest in STEM.
Her talk will be introduced by 3 High5Girls role models who will share their way into STEM – all different stories about women who ended up in STEM and who love to be there.
The event will end with a debate where it will be possible to ask questions to Ulrika Sultan and role models.
In High5Girls we base our concept development on research and therefore it is an honor for us to have Ulrika Sultan come to visit us and share her knowledge with us. The event was made possible by a grant from Poul Due Jensen Fonden.
Coffee/ cake is sponsored by ATV.
16.30: Networking
16.45: 3 role models pitch their way into STEM
17.00: Ulrika Sultan on stage
18.00: Panel and Q&A
18.30: End
IT-Universitetet i København, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 København S
Auditorium 0, stueetagen i atrium
Sign up here: https://high5girls.