“Women in STEM” – IDA gåhjemmøde


17.00-17.05 Welcome by Marianne Andersen. Founder of High5Girls – a NGO working to motivate more girls to choose STEM

17.05-17.15 Experience from ITU by Camilla Rosengård, Head of Communication at ITU

17.15-17.35 High5Girls inspirational pitches

– Tina Ibsen. Astrophysics. Public engagement. Public and media outreach

– Line Clemmesen. Applied statistics. DTU Compute. Associate professor

– Palak Sehgal. Bioengineer. Co-founder Nordetech

– Mahla Seyedi. Materials and Corrosion Engineer

17.35-18.00 What does research say about Girls and Women in STEM? Henriette Holmegaard. Ph.D. in Science Education, Department of Science Education (DSE), University of Copenhagen

18.00-18.15 Tech Innovation – Why Woman in Tech Makes Sense. Mette Fredsgaard. Innovation Manager. Office and Technology. Co-founder of KMD female network

18.15-18.45 Women in Tech Design. Does it matter? By Vanessa Carpenter. PhD Design and Technology. Founder


okt 06 2020


17:00 - 20:00


IDA, København
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